The days of mom staying home while dad goes to the office are long gone. Today, many households with two parents need two incomes to survive.

And because we've had more freedom than ever in choosing our career paths, many of us truly enjoy what we do. We choose to stick with our careers over being stay-at-home parents, even if the income isn't totally necessary.

Whether you're single, married, co-parenting or even pregnant with your first, read on to learn the common fitness hurdles working parents say they face, plus possible solutions.

1. Gym Daycare Not as Good as it Sounds
Many new parents discover there are a number of restrictions surrounding gym daycare services. Some won't watch children until they're six months of age. Hourly rates can triple your monthly gym spend, and even the "unlimited" daycare option will usually double your dues. Daycare hours are usually limited, closing early in the evening, closed on one or both weekend days, and sometimes even closed mid-day to allow for lunch breaks or shift changes.

Solution: Seek out a gym with reasonable rates and extended daycare hours, and avoid long-term contracts. This way, you have the flexibility to cancel or move if their daycare hours or rates change dramatically.

2. Guilt For Spending More Time Away from Kids
Even if your gym daycare works for you, it can be hard leaving your child again after being away from him or her all day. We tend to feel guilty for putting our needs ahead of our children's, and certain stages of infant development, like the separation anxiety stage, can make this especially stressful for both the parent and child.

Solution: Consider cutting your workouts to 20 or 30 minutes each. Work with a trainer like Ed Powers to learn how to blast the most calories possible in that amount of time.

3. Unpredictable Sleep Schedules
I know parents who like to sneak off to the gym in the wee hours of the morning, while their partners and kids are still asleep. For some, this works, but anyone with a baby will tell you that nights are too unpredictable to count on a morning workout. Many of us are lucky to remember to make coffee and put on pants before leaving the house!

Solution: Be prepared to be flexible. Keep gym clothes washed and organized so you can jump at the chance to exercise on a moments' notice. And don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout or two.

4. Wrestling Monkeys
At some point, most working parents try workout DVDs at home. And most discover that their little ones want to bounce the exercise ball, unplug the TV, drop weights on their toes, and climb onto bellies during ab workouts.

Solution: Wait till the kids are in bed to start the DVD, provided you can resist that comfy couch (or bed) calling your name!

5. Staying Motivated
Staying motivated is a major hurdle for anyone who wants to stay fit. We start each week with the best intentions, but crazy schedules and exhausting days get the best of us.

Solution: Make a pact to work out regularly with a friend. You're less likely to flake when you know someone is waiting for you! Join a stroller-friendly program like Ride-Along Fitness, so your stroller-age children can come along for the workout.

© Ride-Along Fitness 2013