
Ride-Along Fitness classes incorporate a variety of cardio and strength-training exercises. You'll get a fantastic workout that's a little different every week, so you never get bored! And best of all, your little one can come along for the ride.

Register for a free class by emailing us your name and the day you'd like to attend. Classes are held in Ann Morrison Park on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 7:30 PM, and in Veteran's Memorial Park on Saturdays from 10 - 11 AM. 

Prepare for a Ride-Along Fitness class the way you'd prepare for an outing at the park, and have the following items with you:
  • Water
  • Sunscreen or a hat
  • Toys and snacks for your little ones
  • Free weights or resistance bands (optional)
  • Towel or blanket for ab work 

Register now and we'll see you this week! 

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